You can’t deny the fact that one of your relatives or a close friend owns a fake Gucci or Prada handbag. Wallets, purses, and handbags …

You can’t deny the fact that one of your relatives or a close friend owns a fake Gucci or Prada handbag. Wallets, purses, and handbags …
Here at Authentic Experts, you have a whole array of brands and items that you can authenticate. The website is so far off from others …
Luxury pieces come with hefty prices that even pre-loved ones are still worth the investment. Since the market is filled with counterfeits, different platforms offer …
The market has been filled with replicas and Chanel is not spared from this. Every Chanel item exudes luxury and it’s definitely a must-have for …
Owning your very own luxury handbag is a proud moment every bag collector wishes to have. Authentic pieces are not always easy to find, that’s …
The Truth Behind The Selling of Fake Luxury Handbags Recent research suggests that more than three million people from all over the world buy fake …
The Truth Behind The Selling of Fake Luxury Handbags Recent research suggests that more than three million people from all over the world buy fake …
Fakes are looking more real nowadays. In fact, distinguishing a real one from a fake one has become tough especially due to the appearance of …
US Customs info post! – Section 321 – Tax free imports for $800 or less.– Taxation duties applied on higher value purchases– Form 5106 requirements …
Bags can be amazing investments and as connoisseurs we are willing to do just about anything just to search for the perfect bag, and to add to a collection. The second hand and reselling markets are great resources if you’re set on finding something specifically that is limited edition, vintage, or rare, or if you want to explore bags with more affordable price tags. The opportunity for investment pieces are everywhere.
However, shopping for pre-loved luxury takes a lot of research and the team at is here to guide you on how to navigate the market.