
We offer authenticity checks to make sure that your luxury item (handbags, shoulder bags, waist bags etc) from major brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci and Prada are indeed genuine and authentic.

In addition, we offer an authenticity certificate via email, with the brand name, picture of your item, with a reference number and a signature of our authenticator so that you can prove the authenticity of your item.

Click here to see the brand and types of items we authenticate.

Purchase Authentication

Sign up or Login on the “View Your Authentications” tab to track your authentication progress and keep your authentication forever!

Purchase Authentication

Sign up or Login on the "View Your Authentications" tab to track your authentication progress and keep your authentication forever!

  • Personal
  • Item
  • Image
  • Finish

Personal Information:

Step 1 - 4

Item Details:

Step 2 - 4

Image Upload:

Step 3 - 4

Align the highlighted square to crop your certificate photo. The area that will be highlighted will be used as your Certificate Photo.

- What do I get with the Basic Authentication?

You will know if your item was made by a certain brand, and is a genuine and authentic item of the brand. If proven authentic, you will also get a digital certificate proving the authenticity of the item.


Step 4 - 4


You Have Successfully Purchased an Authentication