Sustainable, Authentic, Second-hand Luxury from all your favorite Brands


Not sure if a bag you own is Authentic? Our Experts will Authenticate it for you.

Why choose AE

We are one of the most affordable options with a fast turn-around time. Usually we can get your items authenticated within 24-48 hours. All we need are photos of your item.

On top of the affordable prices, items you submit to us are all authenticated by our professionally trained and certified authenticators.

In case we weren’t able to determine the authenticity of your item, we will refund 100% of your money as well.

What we offer

We offer authenticity checks to make sure that your luxury item (handbags, waist bags, shoulder bags etc) from major brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci and Prada are indeed genuine and authentic.

In addition, we offer an authenticity certificate via email, with the brand name, picture of your item with a reference number and a signature of our authenticator so that you can prove the authenticity of your item.

Click here to see the brand and types we authenticate.


How to get started

Please order your authenticity request from below, with photos of your items. You will receive a confirmation email of your request.

Within 24-48 hours, we will get back to you with a result via email. If we determine your item to be authentic, you will also receive an authenticity certificate in the email as well.

Click here to see the sample of our certificate, or here on how to take photos for an authentication request.